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先以Bèiqǐlái(備起來=GET READY)平台為教學者節省教學過程的時間成本,讓老師能夠更專注在教學本身,而非為了製作教學簡報而費神耗時;再建置有價共享服務促進教學資源的共享和協作,讓老師透過在Beiqilai平台上與其他老師分享課堂教材來創造被動收入;最終連結老師與學生,打造一個推動更好學習體驗和教學效果的華語教學生態系統。

Nikeyi Chinese (You Can! Chinese)
Nikeyi Chinese (You Can! Chinese) was established in 2021. We are dedicated to cultivating a vibrant Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) community, aiming to foster an environment where teachers and learners can form lasting relationships to support one another.
Our primary strategy involves the creation of an interactive website, [beiqilai.com](http://beiqilai.com/), designed to help CSL teachers prepare for their classes more efficiently.

Edit curricula through simple steps
"Bèiqǐlái" means "get ready," and our company assists teachers in getting ready to teach Mandarin Chinese. Our unique service enables teachers to quickly create and edit curricula through simple steps, reducing preparation time by over 80%.Additionally, teachers can earn income by sharing their lessons with other educators on our platform in the future. While our immediate goal is to assist busy teachers, our ultimate objective is to unite teachers and learners in the mission to advance CSL worldwide.